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Your personal sales team

We strive for personal serivce for you and your order. Our staff take any effort to take care of you. We have small teams of bike enthusiasts who care for the needs of our customers.You will buid up a close and personal connection to our sales team in a very short time.We will do everything to satisfy your wishes and requirements for a long-term partnership which will be precious for both sides.

In this close relationship lies a great power for a long and successful partnership which has our highest appreciation. We love to take care of you!

Benno Messingschlager

Benno Messingschlager

Member of the Board

Dennis Schömburg

Dennis Schömburg


Toni Messingschlager

Toni Messingschlager

IT, Logistics, Customs
Product Group Manager

Oliver Foeth

Oliver Foeth

IPR, Legal & Security Manager

Stephan Czepluch

Stephan Czepluch

OEM Sales Manager International

Sebastian Seelmann

Sebastian Seelmann

Junior Sales Manager

Simone Wolf

Simone Wolf

OEM Sales Assistant International

Nadja Seidlein

Nadja Seidlein

OEM Sales Assistant E-Mobility

Christian Heymanns

Christian Heymanns

OEM Sales Manager E-Mobility

Daniel Pachl

Daniel Pachl

Senior Product Manager E-Mobility

Nadine Gehringer

Nadine Gehringer

Sales Assistant BENELUX & E‍-‍Commerce

Christoph Helmrich

Christoph Helmrich

Sales Manager BENELUX & E‍-‍Commerce

Annie Mae Marx

Annie Mae Marx

Sales Assistant BENELUX & E‍-‍Commerce

Thomas Kühnlein

Thomas Kühnlein

Sales Manager Germany

Michael Hälterlein

Michael Hälterlein

Sales Manager DACH

Doris Meixner

Doris Meixner

Sales Assistant Western Europe

Kirsten Bächer

Kirsten Bächer

Sales Assistant DACH/UK/IRE

Nadine Schmuck

Nadine Schmuck

Sales Assistant USA and Overseas

Iain Pollitt-Walmsley

Iain Pollitt-Walmsley

Sales Manager UK/IRE

Frank Brückner

Frank Brückner

Sales Manager Western Europe

Stefanie Vogler

Stefanie Vogler

Sales Assistant DACH

Heike Iffland

Heike Iffland

Sales Manager Central/Eastern Europe

Lukas Stasiuk

Lukas Stasiuk

Sales Manager Central/Eastern Europe

Kerstin Sandmann

Kerstin Sandmann

Sales Assistant Central/Eastern Europe

Matthias Raab

Matthias Raab

Head of Operational Purchasing

Bernhard Hanske

Bernhard Hanske

Head of Technical Purchasing

Stefan Jedlitschka

Stefan Jedlitschka

Head of Digital Marketing, Business Processes & E-Commerce,

Martin Buchta

Martin Buchta


Patrick Orth

Patrick Orth

Service team leader

Elke Krügel

Elke Krügel

Product Service

Peter Vogel

Peter Vogel

Product Service


Warehouse Manager Sebastian Drescher, with the support of his team leaders, ensures that your goods arrive safely and punctually. In total, more than 35 warehouse staff are on duty daily to optimally store, pick and properly prepare the goods for shipment. (left to right: Miklös Vascsinec, Michael Reß, Bernd Baum, Christian Maier, Frank Seits, Christian Quedenbaum, Felix Kuhn, Sebastian Drescher).